Here at TERRA MADRE event, my sister and I get to spend as much time as possible learning about the amazing cultural heritage and biodiversity of the AFRICAN continent . [Photo credit: Iara Lee.] Photo credit: Iara Lee. BiodiversityItalyJuly-December 2016Slow Food previous post We are excited to report a 2016 grant from the Cultures of Resistance Network supported the construction of a classroom in MAURITANIA!! next post TUNIS You may also like from TAIF: September 16, 2020 Жыве Беларусь! August 14, 2020 FREE BELARUS: August 12, 2020 75 years ago today, the US dropped nuclear... August 6, 2020 devastating news from Lebanon August 5, 2020 how we resist!!!! intv i gave to C20… June 15, 2020 after discussing for a whole year how to... January 17, 2020 I.SRAEL and SAUDI ARABIA finally got what they... January 7, 2020 Free West Papua! January 5, 2020 stop trashing our oceans!! January 5, 2020