Venezuela: the situation continues to worsen

by admin

the situation in Venezuela continues to worsen as citizens pay the price for corrupt governments and US-backed opposition forces fight for control of the state

last week, Juan Guaidó, a relatively unknown second-string politician from the right-wing Popular Will party, simply declared himself acting president. Guaidó was not elected president—Nicolás Maduro was, in May of last year in a vote that the opposition might have won had they not boycotted it. Guaidó was elected to the opposition-controlled National Assembly, recently assuming the Assembly presidency through an informal power-sharing agreement among the opposition’s political parties. One poll even suggests that as recently as a week ago, more than 80 percent of Venezuelans had no idea who Guaidó even was.

with trump backing guaido, and pompeo pulling american diplomats from the country, venezuelans are left with no answers, blackouts, and shortages…/venezuela-coup-guaido-maduro/

[Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]

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