We found this story about an all-female surf club a couple months ago and it’s still one of our favorite posts:

by admin

Can surfing be a form of resistance? The badass women in this all-female surf club are making it one!

“Shamali Sanjaya, a confident, 30-year-old mother and surfer from the small Sri Lankan town of Arugam Bay, serves as the president of the country’s first all-female surf club. She leads group meetings, organizes beach cleanups and coordinates surf trips for the small-yet-growing group of 17 local women surfers. But just a few years ago, Shamali’s experience as a surfer in Arugam Bay looked very different than it does today.”

Read on here: https://www.surfer.com/…/this-all-female-surf-club-is-shi…/…

Check out the Cultures of Resistance Network for more innovative examples of creative resistance: https://culturesofresistance.org/get-involved

[Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]

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