by admin

10th anniversary of THE ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE MAVI MARMARA (Gaza Freedom Flotilla): we got 900+ zoom registered and capacity is 500, only punctual people will be able to get in, remaining people should watch and ask questions via the livestream on Cultures Of Resistance YouTube channel:

May 30, 2020 at 17h00 UTC time (10h00 PDT West Coast North America, 13h00 EDT, 18h00 British Summer Time, 20h00 Palestine/ Mecca time)

all questions coming via YouTube will be sent to us and we will answer all, as time permits.


2014 photo: Norman Finkelstein and i, the two stubborn unrelenting Sisyphus who keep rolling the rock uphill knowing it is going to come right down, but til our last breath we will keep fighting against tsunamis. TODAY, we will speak about the illegal siege of GAZA and together with shipmates, we will reiterate the need of international solidarity to keep the quest for justice thriving!!! soooo excited to get see many more people joining the movement!!!

[Photo courtesy of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition.]

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