Get to know The Global Trees Campaign!

by admin

The campaign does amazing work with reforestation around the world and this interview with one of GTC’s conservationists offers a great look inside the campaign:

“I am involved in an initiative, part of GTC, which contributes to the conservation of three endemic species of Central Chile. This three-year project has focused on seed collections and propagation with the main aim of conservation. The three species were chosen mainly because they are threatened and because they are rare species for Chilean Flora, vestiges of a past tropical flora, now adapted to arid lands. Through this project, we are propagating these three species, planting gardens in schools and public parks and creating living collections for ex situ conservation. We are also preparing some plants to be incorporated into wild populations.”

Read more here:…/getting-to-know-gtc-interview-wit…/

See how the Cultures of Resistance helps support the Global Trees Campaign through Fauna & Flora International:…

[Photo credit: Global Trees Campaign.]

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