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A circa 1926 autochrome image by Franklin Price Knott shows a group of men in M’Sila, Algeria. An autochrome series by Knott composed the first color photographic essay to be published in National Geographic.

#Algerians were concern with their #identity… when the #french invaded, algerians became even more attached to #arabic language, #islam and the #qoran, as #resistance symbols against #frenchcolonialism.

هذه الصورة توضح مدى تعلق الجزائريين بهويتهم ..عندما احتلت الجزائر من طرف فرنسا..اصبح الجزائريون اكثر تعلقا باسلامهم و قرآنهم كوسيلة مقاومة و تمرد ضد الاستعمار الفرنسي
via Sid Ali Benzerrouk

[Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]

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