Me with acquired taste #durian #fruit, before it got confiscated by the hotel staff who told me it is absolutely prohibited to bring a durian to the room or even surrounding premises due to #stinkysmell…
[Photo credit: Iara Lee.]
While my mind/heart is with #HAITI, I keep plugging along here in ASIA… met press members in BORNEO where we screened K2.
#Borneo #Eco #Film #Festival
#KotaKinabalu, #Malaysia
#youth hiding from the heat, enjoying #cake
Sleep-deprived but well fed by the super hospitable hosts from BORNEO )
#Borneo #Eco #Film #Festival – Suria Sabah
#KotaKinabalu, #Borneo #Malaysia
The art of pulling #tea
#TehTarik #pulledtea #nationaldrink #Malaysia