More photos from Guinea Bissau!!

by admin

Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.

from BUBAQUE ISLAND/ BIJAGOS ARCHIPELAGO: if i am not swimming with the stingrays (heard painful stories from people who got stung), i am shaking in a moto taxi with fellow GUINEA BISSAU friends. , gave boleia (ride) to lodge staff who anxiously wanted to get back to the continent to go vote in today’s elections!

Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.

from GUINEA BISSAU: the amazing gourd tree, where the beautiful cabaças come from, used as water bowls or to make instruments or for sacred ceremonies…

Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.

ohhh, after so many years of colonization, slavery, oppression, it is time for AFRICAN revenge, so i now have to pay the branco price (white people’s price). brancos pay 150,000 cfa for the boat ride, versus 50,000 cfa for locals. and a special man had to be brought to the port to issue this ticket for whites! they forgot my skin is white but my heart is african and i deserve to pay african price .

Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.

GUINEA BISSAU kickboxer DaKosta succeeded in the USA and now, together with his adorable GUAM’s wife and children, invest back in his archipelago BIJAGOS, promoting ecological approach to tourism in BUBAQUE, and in the works: Bijagos Tv (hope we collaborate here). honored to have enjoyed their hospitality til this morning, when i had to depart for the continent to start a film shoot in BAFATA! here we go again, shaking in the moto-carro! 

Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.

this week was GUINEA BISSAU elections day, but lets remember, politicians dont bring change, engaged citizens do!
ja estao contando os votos. entao meia noite ja sabemos quem venceu? mas devemos lembrar q politicos nao trazem mudanças, somos nos, os cidadãos, os unicos q podemos provocar cambios verdadeiros!

from GUINEA BISSAU: my gang in BUBAQUE’s BRUCE BEACH and together we rode back to the continent so they could all go vote in tomorrow’s elections!

[Photo courtesy of Iara Lee.]

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