Due to popularity, 3 simultaneous screens showed our k2 film: two full theaters and outdoors for the overflow. Despite my exhausted body, super worth coming all the way to meet…
The prayer wheels here are cow’s bells and I make sure I touch them to ward off negative waves and keep positive energy coming the good life cows…
2016 July 27 screening of K2 AND THE INVISIBLE FOOTMEN at Kaņepes Kultūras centrs. https://www.facebook.com/Zoo.KKc/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1557805697858428/ [Photo credit: Iara Lee.]
I hear the fest will become a traveling fest and will go to KARACHI, GILGIT, ISLAMABAD etc next!!! nonstop exciting news! [Photo credit: Iara Lee.]
Pics from the awesome outdoor chill-out screening of our film MODULATIONS: CINEMA FOR THE EAR at the 10th Offscreen Film Festival [Photo credit: Offscreen Film Festival.]
When our #porters decided to give us full #trust and allowed us access to their #homes to meet their #wives and #children, a normal NO NO in Islam. I am so grateful for your #generosity in sharing your #LifeStories with…
We were very happy to screen as part of the Gdansk Documentary Film Festival at Europejski Centrum Solidarnosci June 23. https://www.facebook.com/gdansk.docfilm.festival/ Me gigantically omnipresent answering post-screening questions via skype. Huge…