Surprise visitors as one hikes in the Pirin mountains BULGARIA, a country of magnificent landscapes: Shipka monument, Stara Planina. hopefully after editing, i will get to soak in all this…
Truly thought they were weighting fish, then realized it was ganja! Their fuel is pot and bad boy rum [Photo credit: Iara Lee.]
SOFIA FILM FEST screening of our K2 film. March 1st in the beautiful, post soviet feel, country full of history BULGARIA [Photo credit: Alexandr Bormotin,] From ‘dont worry/be happy’…
JAMAICA Bush Life JAMAICA Bush Life — with Niki Godalone, Melissa Leviand Trish Morant Final day in JAMAICA with local food and fishermen who embrace the philosophy DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY! My sis…
my hike: Santa Ana Volcano, Cerro Verde National Park, El Salvador El Salvador’s highest volcano, also known as Ilamatepec, is crowned by a tiered crater with a small lake at…
We must find happiness to bear the suffering… [Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]
A 1994 short film by director Iara Lee, highlights the simplicity and grandeur of Japanese gardens and features a clash of realities, told through the dueling haiku poetry of Matsuo…
Soldiers transporting civilians in San Salvador in July 2015 after gangs ordered a bus strike. The New York Times explains: “With an estimated 60,000 members in a country of 6.5…
[Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.] Our mentally confused bad hair president! Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion… ————————–– Bars Refugees and Citizens of 7 Muslim Countries:…