[Featured image courtesy of iara lee.]
the designers made me a dress that i wear proudly! thank you for allowing me to fully immerse into your culture body and soul. photo: the traditional costume designers @…
had my #firstlesson and #realized that is what #iwasbornfor. [Photo courtesy of iara lee.]
سأستضيف حفلة شواء صغيرة في شقتي بالرياض الليلة الخميس, 21 يناير, من 7 إلى 10 مساءً. سعة 20 شخص أرسل لي رسالة instagram إلى rsvp واكتشف ما إذا كان لا…
…and literally caught the sun setting! [Photos courtesy of iara lee.]
i cant thank enough for all the support i have been getting from the community. inshallah i will prove i am deserving of so much nurturing and trust! thank you…
discovered that my kurdish friend is good cook. where did we put him? in the kitchen and by the grill!
by admintonight’s chef is my kurdish from syria brother omar. kurdish people represent the largest population of displaced people without a country. they are mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iran, #raq (where they have an…
this is the abaya made with fabric from BANGLADESH, designed kimono-style by @shariawalker, a Saudi Afro-American Italian in KSA. worn by me, a Korean Brazilian with an arab heart, who…
[Photo courtesy of iara lee.]