On a dangerous mission to document the cultural destruction wrought by so-called Islamic State and understand what it means to the people of the nation. Their final destination is the…
Her largely photographic work probes – with beauty and often with humor – her individual experience of straddling multiple cultures and identities. http://www.iam-africa.com/arwa-abouon-art-identity-family-…/ [Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]
https://www.facebook.com/pg/newageonline/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1128688510516862 [Photo credit: Bimo Luki, Unsplash.com.]
10 Photos Show The World Of Difference Between Iraq’s Past And Present: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/mosul-photos_n_5862248.html [Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]
http://culturesofresistance.org/groups-we-support-hutan [Photo credit: Dawn Armfield, Unsplash.com.]
goo.gl/LGXQ8Q [Photo credit: Nnaemeka Ugochukwu, Unsplash.com.]
Places to visit in 2018: new trails, tasting local foods and spotting vibrant wildlife around the world. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/features/best-trips-destinations-2018/#cover [Photo credit: Trevor Cole, Unsplash.com.]
Sebastião Salgado captures the dignity of the dispossessed through large-scale, long-term projects. https://www.ted.com/talks/sebastiao_salgado_the_silent_drama_of_photography#t-997050 [Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.]
Photography in the world has always been a slow process, impossible to develop mastery without years of study and dedication.
by adminWhen there were no iPhones or Instagram and only one company reigned sovereign: the Eastman Kodak Company. In the early 1970s young engineer Steve Sasson started working at Kodak. Two…